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Monday, April 25, 2011

Profile Progress- Month 9

We're coming down the home stretch! We hit the 36-week mark today -- hard to believe how soon the little guy is coming. We can't wait to meet him, but we still have a lot to do to prepare. We've been taking care of a lot of things over the past few weeks.  The baby book has been started, baby things have all been through the wash, the car seat is installed, we chose a pediatrician, and the house is approaching clean and organized.  Julian even came home from work with blue hydrangeas at the T-1 month mark.

First, Lindsay's "Woodlands family"- the assisted living where she sees patients- threw her a shower. The baby got a lot of very cute outfits! They had been planning this for weeks and none of them let on about it!
This sailor outfit is from Lazarus; very stylish
 Next came Passover. The baby got to hear the Four Questions to prepare for next year.
He got an afikomen prize!
 We've been doing a lot more work on the nursery. We got some cool artwork via etsy within our "vintage amusement park" theme; add some framing, and things are getting there!
 And, of course, the profile pic. Al fresco this time since it's finally getting nice out!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a weekend! We started with Judy and Roy coming into town to celebrate birthdays (Lauren, Roy, Lisa) and to come to the baby shower. From there the weekend kicked off with some delicious salt-domed branzini made by Lauren (with the rest of us adding goofiness).

Julian taught Sinatra a new trick!
Celebrating Roy and Lauren's birthdays with a home-made carrot cake, complete with home-made marzipan carrots!
Then came the baby shower, complete with a cake that was definitely not a wreck.
Childhood friends
And finally, after weeks of preparation and secrecy, it was time for Lisa's big surprise __th birthday party!
Blueberry-and-cream cupcakes
"After Eight" mint chocolate cupcakes
She was very surprised and happy to see everyone there.
Congratulating each other on a job well done
What a busy weekend! Only a few short weeks to go until the baby arrives -- we'll keep you posted!