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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Welcome to the world, Jonah Goodman!

The blog has not been forgotten! We have just been very unexpectedly busy!  Here's the somewhat pared down summary of Jonah's birth story.  Hopefully it’s not too much information to make anyone uncomfortable.  If you're not into birth stories, there will be another post soon to follow!

Wednesday, April 27th, Lindsay went to her regular visit with her obstetrician and found that her normally low blood pressure was high, so she was asked to lay low while checking urine proteins for 24 hours.  The next day she went to turn the sample in and blood pressure was much higher despite laying low, so they sent her directly to OSU labor and delivery where they informed us the proteins were ok (not pre-eclampsia) but pressures were high, so we both spend that night and the next day and evening at OSU being monitored.  Protein remained ok with pressure still up, so we convinced them to let us go home to celebrate Lindsay's birthday on Saturday, and scheduled an induction for Sunday night.

Our work crew :)

Saturday was spend eating waffles and dim sum at home, relaxing with friends and family, getting things together for the hospital and cleaning the house and finishing the nursery.  Lisa, Bill, Alana, and Julian gave the place a great once-over Saturday and Sunday while Lindsay obeyed orders to chill out.  Forever grateful to them!!

Nervously walking out our front door, headed to the hospital Sunday evening
Sunday evening, May 1st, we checked into a very nice labor and delivery room at OSU and settled in for the night for part 1 of the induction.  We did our best to get a few winks, but between frequent blood pressure checks, uncomfortable bedding, cramping, excitement, fear, monitors, noises, etc, sleep was elusive.  Monday morning, May 2nd, 37 weeks pregnant on the dot, they started part 2 of the induction.  The contractions started a few hours in, but we were able to play dice (a family game), walk around the room, and journal.  Lindsay was officially considered "in labor" at 12:30 pm, but it was still pretty tolerable.  A short while later, Lisa brought Julian Chipotle and gave him a short break.   A little after 2 pm, Lindsay's water broke and contractions started coming every 2 minutes for a minute in duration.  Julian and Lisa teamed up with comforting words and hands to squeeze and provided as much help as a person can.  Lindsay pondered "how are we still a species?!?!" and got the anesthesia team started on her epidural pronto.  It worked super well on her legs and right side, but the left was still hurting. Thankfully, she got some relief and rest for a little while, but the pain got worse so we had the nurse check. It was time to push!  
Mom helping with back pain
In came Lindsay's regular obstetrician (which was super comforting) and she got to push through about 4 or 5 contractions before Jonah's heart rate was dropping.  With his cord around his neck, they sped things up and got the little guy suctioned out asap and over to be checked out by the pediatricians.  At 6:44 pm, he made his appearance and his apgar scores were 8 and 9, he weighed 5 pounds, 1 ounce, measured 19 1/4 inches, and was healthy and cute as can be! Julian took a picture and brought it over to Lindsay to see before we got to hold him at last.  He spent a while under a heating lamp in the nursery, and was delivered to us in our post-partum room around 3am.  We got lots of help from the nurses and consultants on his care and feeding and had such a magical time bonding with him.  His body temperature remained normal and everything checked out great. 

First picture of Jonah, which Juilan brought to Lindsay

Nestled in Mommy's arms

So in love!

Proud parents
Meeting Mimi, Aunt Alana, Poppy, and Aunt Lauren

Looking up at Mommy

Wednesday, May 4th, we received our discharged instructions and headed out the car sporting goofy perma-grins.  We arrived home to find a stork Bill made in the front yard with Jonah’s birth stats and a bottle of champagne from Lauren.  We introduced him to Alton and Olive who were interested, but neither frightened nor overly involved.  He fits in perfectly and we are so happy to have him here!
Standing in front of the hospital with little Jonah

Getting settled in his nursery with Daddy

Meeting Olive

Meeting Alton