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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jonah's Fan Club

We have been trying to capture pictures of as many of Jonah's new BFFs as possible.  He has absolutely loved being held by all of you (it's his favorite activity!) and can't wait to meet more friends and family!  Here's what we've got so far!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy 1 Month Birthday to Jonah!

Our first month with Jonah was amazing and we have had an unforgettable time getting to know him.  It has been an adventure in which we have learned lots, been challenged, and fallen madly in love with him.  We certainly couldn’t have done it without the help of our friends and family.  Thanks for all the ways that you supported us, from stopping by with meals and friendship, to advice and adoration, to facebook comments, and gifts of baby gear that have helped tremendously.  We thought we would share a few things about Jonah with you! 

Growth: Jonah was born on May 2nd at 5 lbs, 1 ounce. On May 6th he weighted 5 lbs, 2 ounces at the pediatrician’s office. As of his appointment with the pediatrician Friday, he is up to 7 lbs, 6 ounces.  We checked in a few times along the way on our digital kitchen scale (Lindsay’s crazy idea) and it was pretty accurate!  He is still pretty darn little, but he is starting to look less ridiculously small in his car seat and bouncer.  His fingers and feet look longer, but he still doesn’t have much pudge on him.  He was so small at first, we took him along to Whole Foods and a shopper made the funniest comment yet, “That’s fresh!”

Sleep: He does a little sleeping during the day, and is generally pretty good about sleeping at night when he is not eating- thank goodness!   He loves being swaddled and listens to ocean waves at night.  We had no idea how many sounds babies make when the sleep, and how much they flail their arms and legs.  Between his asleep and awake time, we think he sounds like he has swallowed a puppy, goat, pig, lamb, velociraptor, elephant, horse, and whoopee cushion.  Now if we can just get him to make the sounds on command when we read him animal books…

Eating: According to one of our parenting books, Jonah is a combination of 3 eating styles- excited ineffective, rester, and barracuda.  We are getting it down though.  He makes it pretty obvious when he is in the mood to eat; don’t get too close if you don’t want him to latch onto you when he’s hungry!  Generally he is eating every 3 hours, but he has been into “baby tapas” the past week or two, where he will ask desperately to eat, go for 6 minutes, decide he is most definitely finished, then ask to eat again in a half hour, several hours in a row.   Thankfully this isn’t happening too often, and sometimes gas drops help.
Jonah's "Excited to eat" face

Personality: We might have the most chillaxed baby ever. He just started genuinely crying this week, and even at that, it is in short bouts and we can usually figure out what is wrong and get him to stop quickly.  He is not a big fan of diaper changes, being put down flat without a swaddle, or gas.  He loves the bath and looks around calmly while we get him all soapy.  He also loves snuggles, making noises, flailing his arms, The Beatles, “dancing,” moving, the sound of the hair dryer, taking walks, spending time on his tummy on our tummies, and car rides.  He took his first shopping trip to Easton with Lindsay and Lisa and slept soundly through 5 stores.  He also went to his first Arts Fest and got lots of adoring glances.  We think he is starting to notice Alton and Olive, but not sure. They enjoy being around him, but don’t mess with him much.  So far, it has been suggested that he will one day be a conductor, violinist, dancer, Harvard student, hand model, and swimmer.
First walk
Getting ready for his first bath
Clean baby!

Chilling on his changing table

Milestones: Jonah can lift his head up for brief periods when on his tummy and can hold it on his own for about 5 seconds when upright and wide awake.  He has been looking at us when we are talking and looks like he is listening.  He can roll from side to side when on his play mat and doesn’t seem to like being on his back.  He can get his hands to his mouth and occasionally sucks on his wrist or fist, and looks like he will probably be a thumb sucker once he can figure out the technique. He is starting to stretch out his legs, but still prefers them curled up like a frog.  Friday, right before Julian left for work, Jonah was getting tucked in and he looked up at us and smiled.  It was a beautiful and peaceful expression.

Events: On Jonah’s 8th day here on the outside world, he had his bris, which is a Jewish circumcision ceremony that also represents his entry into the Jewish faith.  Julian’s parents and grandparents came to town, Lisa and Bill hosted, Judy baked, Alana and Lauren were named co-godparents, Julian’s grandpa, Merrill, was the Sandek, and Julian made the actual cut!  Jonah was so good he didn’t even cry, and neither did we! 

On Jonah’s 31st day, he had a Pidyon Haben, a long-standing Jewish tradition of buying back the first-born male from a Kohen, played fabulously by Jonathon Cohen, for his priestly duties.  It’s complicated.  Rabbi Berman did a lovely job of explaining and conducting the ceremony.

Jonah has had visitors and done lots of visiting.  We love having friends over and going on outings!  He has made appearances at Lindsay’s office and assisted livings where Lindsay works and is already growing to care for and appreciate older adults.  He has been a polite guest at such dining establishments as El Vaquero, Market District, Tucci’s, Piada, Lisa and Bill’s, Lauren’s, Panera, Olive Tree, Aab, Rusty Bucket, and Cuzzin’s. 

Can’t wait to share more!  Sorry this one took so long to get to.  We started it a week ago!