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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Jonah Nicholas, Month 7

It has been another month of Jonah smiles, snuggles, and playtime. We find ourselves absolutely amazed every single day at how sweet he is and how deeply we love him.

Growth: No doctor's appointment this month, so we aren't sure of his current weight and length. He is wearing a 3-6M in onesies, 6M in pants, and 9M in pajamas.  None of this makes sense, really.  His eyes are still a bright blue and his fluffy soft blonde hair is almost an inch long in some places.

Sleep: Jonah has made the transition to sleeping in the crib exclusively this month, still snuggled up in his sleep sack.  The moment we put him down on his back he rolls into his side, which they say is fine, so we have just been putting him there to start with.  That isn't to say he stays there!  We have been going in to get him in the morning and he is on his tummy, left side against the wall of the crib, arching his back, and trying with all his might to roll to the left (the only way he can roll still).  We are really hoping this inspires him to roll right sometime soon. He goes to sleep between 9 and 10, gets up between 6 and 7, and takes 3 naps, 50-150 minutes each.  The pacifier fight, as mentioned last month, is ongoing.
What a cute way to sleep!
Eating: All things breast milk are status quo.  All of November he ate "breakfast" of baby oatmeal and fruit and "dinner" of baby rice cereal and vegetable. So far he has liked everything he has tried, which has included banana, pear, prune, apple, carrot, sweet potato, peas, and squash.  The week of Thanksgiving, they stripped down all the Bumblebee class to their diapers, seated them around a table, and gave them pureed pumpkin to play with. I can't say that he didn't eat a little of that too. His technique as improved significantly; now he sees the spoon coming, opens his mouth, and sends it down the hatch.  He kicks and flaps his arms in excitement, then tells us he is done by a whimper or a steel trap.

Personality: Jonah still enjoys many of the same things, such as the bath; getting a diaper change; looking at (and trying to eat) books; sitting on the floor with a toy; being alone; being with others; eating a toy; being in the exersaucer and hitting buttons on it; snuggling; any noise that sounds like a bodily function, duck, or pig; flirting; omg kitties; omg lights; piggyback rides; drooling; eating his feet; being carried in all kinds of orientations; Poppy tossing him in the air; finger painting; Skype (just ask for a Skype date!); riding in the car (usually); grocery shopping; and flailing his right arm.  He seems to like everyone he meets, and they seem to like him too.
Loves his bath

Playdate with neighbor friend Emmett

Loves his kitties

Jonah played piano with Poppy. His first note was a B-flat.

Milestones: Jonah got a pair of teeth on the bottom last month. They are so cute, and little, and sharp!  They came without much ado- just a bucket of drool.  He will sit and play with toys on the floor for quite a while, then fold forward, tip onto his side, and then his back, where he will play for a while. From his back, he can roll side to side pretty easily, and now onto his tummy occasionally too.  While on his tummy, he will prop up on his arms and arch his back, but he doesn't stay for long- he rolls over the left shoulder and onto his back. One day he will make it over the right. Sigh. Jonah will stand holding your hands, or in the exersaucer, where he can turn himself in full circles. He seems to always find the buttons that make noise when he hits them and excitedly bang them with his right hand. The soundtrack in our house now goes "cat, gato, meow, music, duck, quack, dog, music, perro..." Yay, us. But the point is, he has keyed into some cause and effect, which is pretty cool.  We're not sure why, but his right arm is to him as a tail is to a dog- a barometer of happiness.

Events: The biggest event in November was Jonah's first Thanksgiving. GG and GG and Grandma and Grandpa came into town, and we celebrated the holiday with them as well as Mimi and Poppy and Aunts Lauren and Alana. We are so thankful for our little guy!  Hallie and John came into town for a weekend, and Jonah helped cook up some delicious Hubbard squash soup.