Aaaaaaaand he's off! It's been a month of big moves from the little guy. It's amazing us to see just how curious he is about everything and how excited he is to explore.
Growth: Jonah will have his 9-month appointment in a few weeks, and we will know more then about his weight and length. He's certainly getting bigger though!
Sleep: Jonah still sleeps in his sleep sack in the crib, though with the mattress down a notch, roughly 9:30 to 6:30. He mostly sleeps on his tummy now. On school days, he takes a long nap mid-day and another nap in the late afternoon, and when he is home he takes 3 naps. The pacifier has officially been fired from the bedtime routine, which is to say he grabs it and throws it across the room. Usually a dark room, the sound of waves, and a bouncing snuggle puts him to sleep.
Eating: Jonah is still on the same breast feeding routine, with oatmeal/fruit in the morning, and 3 additional meals throughout the day. He has added finger foods, like star puffs and "Hot Kid Baby Mum Mums." Yes that's a thing. And he has also picked up and eaten a little egg yolk, pancake, and fish. It's so cute to watch him see a food, reach, get it in his hand, and make its way down the hatch. We are so amazed thinking how many skills he had to learn in the past 9 months to be able to do that! New on the spoon are pureed pinto beans and beets. He seems to like applesauce best, but goes along with most anything we give him. We have been giving him water to drink from an open cup and he has the oral motor skill mostly figured out if we hold the cup. He sometimes thinks it's funny to spit it out after, but we do everything we can not to laugh so that he isn't encouraged.
Peeeeeeas! |
Trying a bite of pancake at DK Diner |
Smart baby liked the pancake! |
Eating a mum mum while Mommy and Daddy get sushi |
Personality: Jonah is liking most of the same things from past blogs- eating straps, banging his right hand on things, cats, bath time, singing, and "boy noises." His new favorite game is conversing back and forth with you in a series of "aaaaaaaaa"s until one of you laugh and both of you end up laughing. He giggles when you toss him in the air, had a good laugh over a bow, window blinds, and a lemon being zested. OK. Sometimes when he's approaching naptime, he gets a bit emotional when left alone, but generally can sit on the floor with his toys and entertain himself happily.
Jonah (and Daddy) bought Mommy flowers |
Finds straps everywhere and eats them |
Milestones: It's amazing to see how fast he develops new skills. Just a month ago he could stand upright with a lot of support for a short period; now he can pull to stand at his table, see a toy he wants on the floor, squat down and pick it up, and stand back up without missing a beat. Occasionally he winds up on his bottom, but he can very easily pick himself back up again. He has even stood up totally unsupported for a second or two! The biggest change has prompted a lot of baby proofing. He has started to crawl! Or, at least, his version of crawling, which means he's using both hands, his right knee/shin, and his left foot. He can really get around with it, though! We think he's being nontraditional because what he really wants to be doing is walking (he will take off at quite a clip if you hold his hands and walk with him). We wouldn't be too surprised if we're writing about at least some furniture cruising next month.
Loves to pull to stand on Mommy |
Events: After a busy couple of months of holidays, January has been fairly laid back. Jonah has had playdates with young friends Emmett, Charlie, Alex, Garrett, Hannah, and Carter as well as many of his older friends. He has made it to story time at the Upper Arlington library and enjoyed the singing and reading, and standing at the book shelves. He's been out to eat at the newly re-opened El Vaquero, DK Diner, as well as Kikyo and sat in a high chair and ate in the restaurants for the first time (we brought Mum Mums). He also went to Gallery Hop for the first time, which is a night they keep the galleries and stores open late in our arts district.
Visiting Poppy at work |
Gallery Hop |
Whole Foods Mondays. Trying a sample of fish. |
Don't worry folks, the saw is off. |
Play date with Emmett |
Dinner with Charlie, Kevin, and Courtney |
Charlie and Jonah |
We just can't get enough smiles, snuggles, or playtime with this guy. He brings us so much joy, love, and unbelievable happiness.