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Monday, April 16, 2012

Jonah Nicholas, Month 11

As we said, we're a little late this month because Jonah started off April with his second ear infection and we have had lots to keep us busy. On the plus side, a visit to the pediatrician got us another official weight!

Growth: He's up to 19 pounds 10 ounces, around the 25th percentile! I guess everything he's eating is doing him well.

Sleep: Outside of being sick, he generally sleeps around the same hours (9:30-6:30). He is napping about the same as well, generally one short one in the morning, sometimes in the car, followed by a decent mid-day nap, then a short afternoon/evening nap. He is also getting better at falling asleep with less and less help.

Eating: Mondays are still his favorites because he gets to try all kinds of new foods at Whole Foods. He chows down on whatever they are offering at the seafood department and usually likes the produce as well. At home he still digs the plain yogurt. Other favorites include mangos, berries, grapes, puffs, and Hot Kid Baby Mum-Mums.
Reaching up his high chair

Personality: Still as cute as can be! He's still enjoying (and disliking) all of the same things from last month.
Love his kitties

Loves anything he can tap on the floor and carry around.
In this case, the lens cap.

Loves a good book. Thanks Aunt Lauren!

Visiting Detroit and getting a book from Grandma.

Check out those tip toes!

Jonah loves to take things out. All things. Taking coins out of the piggy bank.

Skype with Grandma and Grandpa

Milestones: He isn't quite walking yet, but his cruising has gotten even better. He looks like a little mountain climber trying to figure out his next hand- and footholds. Still no real words either, but lots of cute babbling and laughter.

Events: Relatively little in March, but that's the calm before the storm as we prepare for Passover with seders in Columbus and Detroit and vacation in April!  He celebrated his first Purim and dressed up as a Bumblebee for school, where they did a parade and carnival.
The Bumblebee class in the Purim parade

Our little bumblebee in a baby bounce house, with teacher, Maricar.

Barely holding on, you guys!

Playing with the paper hamentashen he made at school

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Day in the Life of Jonah Nicholas Goodman

Jonah is dealing with a double ear infection and he's keeping us busy. Also, not the easiest 11 month photo op when you are unhappy. While you wait on the 11 month post, here's something different we have been working on!

We thought it might be fun to document a day in Jonah's life. Here goes!
7:15 Jonah wakes up from about a 9-hour night of sleep.
7:30 Has a good appetite and nurses happily for 20 minutes.
7:40 Goes with Mommy to wake up Daddy, and snuggles in bed for a little while, smiling up at the ceiling fan and window, and climbing all around.
7:50 Playing in his room with books, activity table, balls, and toys while we eat some breakfast
8:30 Eating some oatmeal with breast milk, carrots, and apples with Daddy, who also got him dressed- in matching clothes.
9:00 Playing and helping Daddy put on his shoes
9:30 Jonah naps in the car on the way to Babies R Us
10:00 Wakes up when we get to the store and rides through the baby-proofing section in his stroller, looking around quietly.
10:15 Nurses and gets changed in the "Mother's Room" at BRU.
10:50 Not too happy to get strapped into his car seat, but settles down when we sing "Favorite Things."
11:00 We get to the Chinese restaurant for dim sum right as they are opening, easy parking, no line, lots of tables, and immediate service. Jonah is settled into a high chair with our "floppy seat" cover. He sits happily the entire meal, self-feeding star puffs, yogurt drops, and pieces of dumplings we tear off for him.
12:00 We leave the restaurant and Jonah falls asleep right away in the car.
12:30 We tip toe into the house and Jonah continues his nap in the car seat in the nursery
1:00 Babbling. Darn, the nap is a short one.
1:30 Jonah nurses while we watch Chopped. Such odd ingredients!
2:30 Jonah gulps down spoonfulls of plain organic yogurt, one of his favorite snacks.
4:15 We decide for Jonah that even though he has been crawling, climbing, babbling, smiling, chasing, and playing happily, it would be a good time for a nap. He gets all cuddled up in his sleep sack and we assume sleep position. Forgot to video this. Will catch him next time.
4:20 Sleep occurs. We were right.
5:45 Jonah wakes up and nurses happily
6:00 The Evanchan family comes over for dinner and the kids play. Jonah enjoys being with his friends.
7:00 Jonah likes his finger foods. He chows down on some vegetarian meatballs and fruit he is sharing with Mom.
8:30 Bath time! Jonah loves being in his bath tub. His favorites are "Coral" and a turtle cup we call "froggy." We are weird.  He would stay in forever, but we want to keep him a baby, not a prune. Getting out of the bath we call him our "slippery pretzel" because of the way he pulls his legs up into a crossed fetal position. Daddy passes him to the hooded towel in Mommy's arms and he is happy to snuggle there for a few minutes.  Getting out of his towel and into PJs he is not so happy, so we play peek-a-boo and sing "Favorite Things" or "Twinkle Twinkle."
8:50 Jonah always gets a second wind after the bath. We heard it was a relaxing activity. Jonah did not hear that. We let him crawl around and play until he shows a sign he is getting sleepy.
9:30 Jonah gets sleepy. We dim the lights and settle down on the couch. Jonah nurses on one side then we "bag him and flip him" which is to say put him in his sleep sack, kiss him, tell him we love him up to the stars and all the way back, and let him nurse on the second side.
9:55 Jonah goes into his bed, rolls onto his tummy, closes his eyes, and with a Mommy and Daddy kiss on the head, falls asleep.