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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Jonah Nicholas, Month 10

Double digits, already? Time flies when you're having fun!

Growth: Jonah had his 9-month appointment in the middle of February. At the time he was 18 pounds and 27 inches, both 10th percentile. His head is 45cm, which is 50th percentile. I guess all of this blogging about him is giving him a big head!

Sleep: There were a few hiccups in sleeping through the night this month, as Jonah started out with his first cold, then got his first ear infection. We're amazed he made it that far! He was acting pretty pathetic and extra snuggly, but took his amoxicillin like a champ.  Outside of a couple of weeks, though, he's been sleeping from about 9:30 to 6:30. He seems to be moving away even further from three even naps and generally takes a short one in the morning, then a couple of hours around noon, and finally a little refresher later in the afternoon. Our project for now is trying to get him to fall asleep with less help from us. We are trying a method a family friend taught us, and so far so good.
This is how Jonah feels about his first cold and ear infection.
We agree.
Eating: Jonah's appetite wasn't that great through his illness, but he's coming back with a vengeance. He is still nursing about the same amount, and has become less easily distracted.  This month he's been trying more and more table foods, from pizza to spaghetti and "meat"balls to chili to dim sum to somewhat spicy Thai curry! We're really looking forward to him trying more foods, and Whole Foods Mondays are going to be a great opportunity. Last week he ate samples of Chilean sea bass, tomato and caper, and mac and cheese. He loved them all! We're going to have to start getting him his own plate.
Aunt Lauren feeding some baby food

Showing interest in the travel feeding chair

Loving the pizza at Alex's 1st birthday party
Personality: He's so cute! He's happy to explore whatever space he's in, climbing across people, checking everything he can reach out by holding, passing from one hand to the other, shaking, and finally eating. He especially loves his kitties. We always know where they are based on which direction Jonah is looking. He loves interacting with people but maintains his independence; his teachers at school tell us how content he is to sit and play with a toy by himself no matter what is going on in the room. He also loves to give kisses (leaning towards you with a gaping mouth) and touching faces, especially hair and lips. A favorite activity is pulling books off a shelf (all of them) and things out of a bag or box.  We have been reading to him lots and he likes a few books before sleeping and loves turning pages.  Jonah especially enjoys toys that are colorful and plastic, like his car, balls, keys, and activity table; it all goes in the mouth.  He has a few more dislikes, which include the first 5 seconds of being strapped into a car seat, and being put down on his back while he was sick. Jonah still loves the bath, and getting wrapped up and snuggled after, but then getting the diaper and pajamas on is another story.
Checking out Chirpy Chick- a favorite of his

Always shaking, carrying, chasing, or eating this yellow ball

Shaking and eating keys

Activity table with kitties looking on

Contributing to laundry day- eating the basket

About to hop on pop

Loves the bath...until it's over

The happy, post-bath, all wrapped up, snuggle.

Likes to hang upside down

Milestones: As predicted, he's up and cruising on the furniture! He can go along furniture and, if they're close enough, go between two pieces. His "crawling" has maintained the same pattern but gotten a lot faster, and he can traverse the house pretty quickly if he wants to. He's managed to stand unsupported for up to 3 seconds or so. Also, he's getting good at climbing. We're not quite sure how, given his limited exposure, but he can take the stairs like a champ! We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and he climbed right up after the cat. Also, he got two more teeth this month, bringing the grand total to 6.  He can't say any real words yet, but is "talking" much more and saying "adadadadada" mostly. He laughs at all kinds of things, like cats, silly noises, hands clapping, and dancing.  When there are few distractions, if we ask "where is____" he can correctly look at the correct family member.  He also has his first comfort item. A stuffed toy? No. A hairbrush. He carries it with him and just loves it.  Whatever.  Warning, naked Jonah ahead!
Cruising around the nursery

Walking with Mommy's hands to help

Climbing up Grandma and Grandpa's steps

Because of the way Jonah crawls, his legs end up inside his jammies!

He still loves straps and drawstrings

Climbing on Dad

Our little crawler

Climbing up Grandma and Grandpa's stairs to see "Aunt Buffy"

Aaaaaa, naked crawling, too cute to resist!!

Looooves to shake this box of diaper cream

Climbing up Mom.
With a hairbrush. Shocker.

Events: February saw Jonah's first Super Bowl (he drank too much beer), Alex's birthday party, Jonah's first Valentine's Day, and a trip to Detroit to visit Grandma and Grandpa. He went out to eat a few places including Tommy's, Dewey's, Sunflower for the aforementioned dim sum, and Steak 'n' Shake on the road back from Detroit.
Opening a Valentine's gift from Grandma and Grandpa.
He has been playing with the card for weeks.
Alex Cohen is 1! It was a super cute Hungry Caterpillar party.
Valentine's snuggles with Aunt Alana's kissing bears
Valentine's Day with Mimi
Getting into Mimi and Poppy's toy box
This guy loved the valentines!

Reading Pat the Bunny board book with Goodnight Moon bunny.
Thanks Mimi and Poppy!

Playtime with cousins Ainsley and Jillian

Valentine's dinner. So romantic.

Jonah's version of our dinner, edamame and soba noodles.
Pulled up to the table at Grandma and Grandpa's

Reading a book with Grandma

Exploring Grandma and Grandpa's kitchen

Stair pose

Stair pose

Found a small chair and Julian's toys from when he was little in his old room

Pound Puppy and a hairbrush. Nice.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I can't get enough of this! Thanks for my favorite reading material!
